Author: Dr. Pavi S. Kundal
Gastric Band Fills and Defills:
Dr. Kundhal has extensive experience placing and removing gastric bands. He also can perform gastric band fills and defills. He will do a consultation and gather information on the details of your gastric band then make a recommendation for whether you would benefit from a fill...
Dr. Kundhal: General Surgery Medicolegal Expert
Dr. Kundhal is an experienced General Surgeon in his sixteenth year of practice. He is licensed with the College of Physicians of Surgeon of Ontario in good standing. He has performed thousands of surgical procedures. He has served as a medicolegal expert in dozens of cases...
Dr. Kundhal's Hemorhoid Recommendations
The vast majority of patients can manage their hemorrhoid symptoms with simple lifestyle modifications. I have found the following measures can greatly improve a patients quality of life. Hydration is key. Please drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Being hydrated helps...
How a Lipoma is Removed?
Dr. Kundhal will first confirm where your lipoma is on your body. Following this, the overlying skin of the lipoma will be frozen with a small needle and local anaesthetic to ensure your skin is numb. This is done to make you as comfortable as possible for the...
How to prevent ingrown toenails
Ingrown toenails are very common and can be extremely painful. Find below some helpful tips to prevent developing an ingrown toenail. Wear loose fitting shoes and socks. Ideally one should wear shoes with a wide toebox so one can move their toes within the shoe. You want to...
OHIP Covered Ingrown Toenail Surgery in Brampton and Mississauga!!
Dr. Kundhal is pleased to help treat this troublesome condition for patients. Some patients may benefit from surgical excision. Many patients do not know that this procedure is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Program. To have your toenail assessed by Dr. Kundhal, please...
Ingrown Toenail Surgery - what does it involve?
This is a minor surgical procedure. It takes about 15 minutes to perform. Your foot is first cleaned with an anti-bacterial solution to minimize the chance of infection. Following this, a local anaesthetic is injected along the base of your toe to freeze it. Once the toenail...